Dr. Bill Goggins, left, and Sylvia Miles, a recent kidney transplant patient
Patient Awaiting Kidney Receives Life-Changing Phone Call from a Stranger
Sylvia Miles is a 47-year-old woman with a complicated health history and an unwavering faith. She had been on the kidney transplant waiting list for 5 years but with multiple health challenges, her chances of getting a kidney were not good. Among other conditions, Sylvia is battling lupus, a condition which can cause the body’s immune system to damage the kidneys and eventually lead to kidney failure. Then one day this past April, Sylvia’s luck changed with a phone call from a stranger.
Sylvia explains. “I was sitting at home, watching TV and I got a call from a transplant surgeon named Bill Goggins from Indiana University Health. I didn’t know who he was, but he said, ‘Sylvia, I know you’re on the waiting list for a kidney transplant. I’m working with a research program from a company called 34 Lives and I think we might be able to get you a kidney a little bit faster. Would you be interested?’ Sylvia did not hesitate. “I don’t know you, Dr. Bill–but the answer is Yes!”
Things moved quickly from there. “As soon as we started talking, I felt so comfortable, and we got along so well. The Transplant Coordinator sent me an email with more information about 34 Lives and a consent form, and I signed it and sent it back.”
Sylvia did not wait long for the big news. “The next night I was taking the bus to Fed Ex, where I work the night shift. My phone rang and it was Dr. Goggins. He said, ‘Sylvia, I have some good news: We have a kidney for you. But I need you to stop whatever you’re doing and come to the hospital right away!’” Sylvia continues, “To say I was shocked is putting it mildly! I asked if I could go to work, clock-in and tell them what was happening. Dr. Bill said, ‘No—we need you to get home, pack a bag and come on down now!’”
Sylvia lives about 20 minutes from IU, so she immediately went home, packed a few things, and picked up her daughter who accompanied her to the hospital. Her transplant took place early the next morning and five days later, she walked out of IU with Dr. Goggins at her side.
Sylvia explains the feeling as best she can. “I walked out of the hospital with a new kidney and a whole new future. If anyone out there is on this same journey, I would say to them, don’t give up. Have faith! I’m a fighter and I never give up. If I had a theme song, it would be Don’t Stop Believing!”
Six weeks after her surgery, Sylvia was sitting in the lobby at IU waiting for a follow up visit. There was another patient sitting near her and he said, “Excuse me, but are you a transplant patient?” And she said, “Yes! I got my new kidney just 6 weeks ago.” And he said, “Wow—you look amazing!” Sylvia says, “The thing is, I feel amazing. I really do. My blood pressure is down, my GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) is up. I have much better energy, I sleep well, I haven’t skipped a beat. I’ll be back at work soon and I know they’re all rooting for me.”
Sylvia has exciting future plans and lots of people to thank. “Just last year around this time, I volunteered for an event that the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) was having, but I couldn’t make it because I got sick, once again. I was so disappointed. Well, I can’t wait to volunteer for them again—and I’m going to tell everyone I meet that there’s hope for them, too. I’m so blessed! When I think about Dr. Bill, I feel like crying. He saved my life–it’s as simple as that. I’m thankful for my family and especially my daughter for standing by me every step of the way.”
“I’m grateful to the people at 34 Lives who are working with transplant surgeons like Dr. Bill to give hope to people who think they might not ever get a kidney. In fact, my email address, which I’ve had for many years, has a 34 in it! Coincidence or fate? It doesn’t matter. There’s hope out there—remember that.”